Steve Kirschner skirschner at lifton.com
Wed Aug 27 08:51:24 EDT 2008

Dear Gotham Family  
I received this email yesterday...and thought the best place I can go to try
and find some direction and resolution for this family would be to ask our
gotham family, so here it is:   They reside in Vineland NJ 
I know you will help direct me to help her.
You can also email Evelyn Silva directly at silva1255 at msn.com 
Thank you!
PS I can help them get a modification of their existing mortgage to lower
their payment but this is the least of their problems.
H. Stephen Kirschner
Direct 631 750 6662
cell     516 528 2288
email skirschner at lifton.com 
 Dear Mr. Kirschner 
I am writing these few lines, humbling myself to you as my last hope! 2
years ago my husband Joseph and I decided to refinance our home, not really
understanding that we did an ARM vs. a Fixed Rate. Our payments began at
998.00 and to this date 8-26-08 we are paying $1246.69. 
The problem we are facing now,  is that since refinancing I have fallen very
ill, and I have suffered 2 mild strokes, I have been diagnosed with many
fatal diseases, I will just name a few. Lupus, Diabetes, Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am losing my eyesight because of
shingles; I had to turn my car over back to GMAC, because I can not drive. I
walk with a walker chronic back /spine disease has also taken over my body.
I can give you more upon request. Our concern right now is losing our home;
we have been here 24 years of memories. Mr. Kirschner I am hoping after
reading this letter there might be someway you can help us. Any more
information that you might need please feel free to call us @ (856) 794-1196

My husband is disabled due to injuries he substained in his 30 years as a
master carpenter. Having had a few surgeries, he was and  is still disabled
he needs a few more surgeries.   His  (income) is the only income coming
into our house which is $1423.00.  per month
 I am permantly disabled also,but I do not reiceve any money.Because at the
time of being diagnosed  my youngest child was living at home and he was
given the  (ss benefits) instead of me. I will return to the S.S. office in
a few months to have my case reevaluated now that my son has left for
We  have been told we do not qualifiy for a lot of programs, because our
ages Joseph is 52 and I am 53 yrs old. 
Right now we have exhausted,every penny  we have  both checking & saving
We are living day by day not knowing what will we eat or what will get shut
off.$680.00 electric  bill,phone bill $389.Our car insurance was
discontinued . Come  September our home insurance is due at $765.   If not
for our family,   They have helped pay many bills and put food on our table.
I have 6-8 credit  bureaus calling us 10-15 times a day we owe close to
$12000.00. We had to use  our credit cards to pay  the  mortgage payments
and pay everything we needed to pay so we could survive. 
We  are told we do not qualify for food stamps according to gov .laws.  
We have sold most all our personal items to bring in whatever little cash we
 Thank You:
Evelyn Silva

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