[Fredslist] Bombers Playoff Game on Friday

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Fri Aug 22 10:34:27 EDT 2008

Your Gotham Bombers have their initial softball Playoff game tomorrow night at 6:00. Details below. Please come and root us on. Thanks. 
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jonathan Turco" <jturco at kleinzelman.com>

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:14:23 
To: <Bombers at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject: [Bombers] Reminder: Playoff Game on Friday


Reminder, our first playoff game is this Friday the 22nd, 6:00pm, Central
Park Great Lawn Field #1.

The Great Lawn fields are accessible from the east or west side between
79th and 84th streets (north and south of the Met Museum if coming from the

As of now, the roster is as follows (as usual, let me know if you plan on
attending but are not listed below, or if you can't make it and are listed

Mike Held
Jon T
Ron Castaldo
Mike Brooks
Ben Tapper
Anthony Orlando
James Ficelman
Dan Schonfeld

Jonathan E. Turco
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022-5803
TEL (212) 935-6020 ext210
FAX (212) 753-8101
e-mail jturco at kleinzelman.com

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Bombers at gothamnetworking.com

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