[Fredslist] Giving blood... I just can't

Ester Horowitz m2powerinc at bigplanet.com
Wed Aug 13 11:09:53 EDT 2008

Dear Gotham members,


I applaud those of you who expressed a desire to want to help but just can't
bring yourself to go through the process. You didn't have to tell me and
your honesty only deepens my respect for you.  I live with such a person.
But for those of you who came to me quietly to own up to it then perhaps
it's because in saying it out loud you are wishing to overcome it.. If you
are genuinely interested in getting past that hurdle I have a few




You already give blood regularly to your doctor. While it may not be the
best experience for you. you do it because the motive to be healthy is far
greater than any temporary and minor lack of comfort you encounter. if not
for your self than for the ones that love you.  I have rolling veins so that
experience is difficult at best.. I just think of more pleasant things and
relax in order to make the experience better.




We all have an image in our head or an emotional response or both about the
idea. Instead of focusing on it, what if you were to replace it with
something so much more meaningful.  Bob Arnold's image is having his wife
and child by his side.  Would any of us give a second thought to how
uncomfortable the process might be if our most cherished loved ones were in
the next room needing our blood?  I think not. Then why would this be


Because there is no immediate need? Well yes there is.  Blood is being
rationed in area hospitals right now. I don't want to be the one
unexpectedly in the ER wondering if there's enough for my loved one.  If I
give now I'll know I'll get back that and more if my family's turn comes. 


So instead of thinking about the idea of giving blood as a  "I just can't"
event perhaps you might consider who you are giving blood for and why? Also
consider that it is not an "event" but a routine process we do already.
Instead of reinforcing the negative, focus on what's most important to you.
Give yourself a reason to succeed.  Be brave for your child, your mother,
your spouse, yourself.  Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's the drive
to push past it because something greater motivates you.  What's that for
you? Make it your reason to donate blood.  Heck, we've overcome 9/11, public
speaking, economic downturns, lost jobs, high gas prices.. Believe me those
things are far harder than 1 hour of your time. 


I promise, I'll hold your hand and sit with you. I'll read you a book, a
poem, anything but sing because I can't sing as well as Nancy Schess or
Susan Sajiun -Fitzharris did at the last Long Island cocktail party. After
all I want this to be a positive experience for you.  I promise you'll feel
great afterwards. They even provide Oreos and chocolate chip cookies
afterwards. Now that's something to smile about :-)


Warmest Regards

Ester Horowitz


516 409-0849

888 609-6828


"Some men see things as they are and say why?

I see things that never were and say why not?"

-George Bernard Shaw-



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