[Fredslist] films by, and, or about women sought for film festival

Natalie Peck natalie at richardpeck.com
Sun Aug 3 11:28:52 EDT 2008

I am the gothamite who is looking for films by and about women.  I casually
mentioned it to Fred and, wow, he did 'his thing' and Fredslist has
responded famously.

I am involved with a women's organization that puts on a one day  women's
film festival in Caldwell, NJ, each November.  This is our 5th or 6th year.
 We look for films by, and or, about women.  They can be shorts, animations,
documentaries or narratives.  They often highlight women's issues - can be
serious or lighthearted (the funny ones are the hardest to find).  Since I
am not 'in charge' this year, I am not sure where the process is currently
regarding the film selection, but will pass on every response to those who
make the decisions.  Thank you so........and there is always next year - so
keep me posted as to what you are all doing.

Natalie Peck

natalie at richardpeck.com
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