[Fredslist] ISO Web Based Technology Development Company

Zahn, Bari bzahn at torys.com
Fri Apr 25 10:17:04 EDT 2008

Hi All,

I have a client that has a provisional patent in place to develop an
interactive web-based event planning technology designed specifically
for the needs of the non-profit sector.  With that in mind, they are
looking for a strategic technology partner to develop the product with

At present they are in conversations with Oracle and similar size
companies.  However, they are also interested in speaking with boutique
shops that specialize in developing custom web-based technology
products.  This project will require a team, so no individual
developers, unless you are working in partnership or liaison with a

I have reviewed everyone's bios on Gotham in this area and I still can't
figure out who would be the right match, so if this appears to be an
opportunity that you would be interested in discussing, please feel free
to give me a call or email me. 

Much Thanks,

Bari Zahn				
Torys LLP	
Tel: 	212.880.6106
Fax:	212.682.0200
mailto:bzahn at torys.com	
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