[Fredslist] Need Legal Advice: Bought Car, Signed Papers, Dealer Says I Owe $4k More?

Troy White troywhite.gotham at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 02:14:56 EDT 2007

On Friday, I purchased a new car.  About 1 hour after receiving a 
bottom-line price (including taxes, fees, etc) without me signing 
anything yet, the dealer called and said the rebate they originally 
quoted was off by $1k (in their favor, of course.)

This was a legitimate oversight, so I signed a stack of papers and loan 
docs for Bottom-Line Price #1 + $1k.

This is where legalities begin to creep in: do I now own this car, at 
the price I signed the documents for?

The reason I ask is b/c I had to leave early the next morning for a West 
Coast business trip, so I never took physical possession of the car - 
the papers were signed, and I agreed to pick up the car in a week.

So, today they called and said "whoops, we found another invoice error 
we made, you owe us an additional $4k, we need to re-do the paperwork 
and you need to sign again."

My question is: do I actually owe another $4k, or am I only responsible 
for the original price (bottom line + $1k) that I signed for?

If I would have picked up the car last Saturday am, the day after the 
signing and before they found their calculation error, it seems the car 
would be mine, sitting in my driveway.  But since it's still on their 
parking lot, I'm not sure what to do.  Of course, I'd like to show up at 
the dealer, signed papers in hand, and ask for the car at the signed-for 

Any help is appreciated, you can reach me at either 
troywhite.gotham at gmail.com or cell 917-270-0634.

Thank you, Troy White

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