[Fredslist] Have you bought your tix yet???

Anthony Bellov anthonybellov at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 22 08:36:38 EDT 2007

Good morning fellow Gothamites,

Why sit home waiting for Halloween to pass when you can dodge the huge crowds, and do something appropriate and totally memorable?

I know a number of you have already bought tickets to some of the events happening at the Merchant's House Museum in Greenwich Village this coming week. These events are strictly limited in size so there's not the push/shove/squeeze of the usual.

Tickets, especially for the famous "Ghost Tours" are running out rapidly. These tours, complete with fully staged scenes with professional actors and anecdotes of weird happenings within the Museum walls provided by rehearsed narrators were called "resonant theater" by the New York Times last year, and this year's production is even better!

I encourage you to contact the Museum now and reserve your spots for the tours, the re-enactment of a 19th C funeral and cemetery walking tour this coming Sunday, and/or the evening of true ghost stories on Wednesday the 31st (told by none other than your's truly) before they sell out completely.

You won't be sorry. That's a promise!

The museum's press release for the tours is included in its entirety below.

And here, for additional info, is the link to the You Tube advert - http://youtube.com/watch?v=MRlb39TM7mo

Best to all as Samhain approaches - - hope to see you at "The Merch!"


Principle Partner,
Anthony Bellov Video Productions
865 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10025
212 663-6748
www.AnthonyBellov.com ----------------------------------------

- - - NEWS RELEASE - - -

The Merchants House Museum presents its theatrical ghost tours production

Show title: Mourning Becomes Eliza
Date of First Performance: Thu, Oct 25, 2007
Date of Last Performance: Tue, Oct 30, 2007
Venue Name: The Merchants House Museum
Venue Address: 29 East 4th Street
Performance Schedule: Thu 10/25-Sat 10/27; Mo 10/29-Tu 10/30 (NO PERFORMANCES SUNDAY, 10,28)
Tours start at 6:00 PM and run every half hour, last tour begins at 10:00 PM;
reservations required
Ticket Price: $25; $15 for museum members
How to buy tickets: Call the Museum at 212-777-1089 for reservations
website: www.merchantshouse.org

Producing Company: The Merchants House Museum
Authors: Eva Ulz and Dayle Vander Sande

Synopsis: Seabury Tredwell, patriarch of the family who lived at 29 East 4th Street for nearly 100 years, is on his deathbed. We are guided through the house from room to room experiencing eerie reenactments of his last breaths, the family's grief, beliefs and traditions of mourning for a wealthy 19th-century New York City family...and told authentic ghost stories experienced in the House through the years...

Cast (double cast): 
Henry Allen, Ryan Andes, Blaze Kelly Coyle, Ethel Fisher, Ron Kuriloff, Lindsay
Ruth Leggett, Julie Linnard, Mary Looram, Aimiende Negbenebor, Alley Scott,
Christine Scott, Joanna Williams

Dayle Vander Sande, Director
Christine LaPlume, Stage Manager
Anthony Bellov, Technical Director
Christine Scott and Eva Ulz, Costumes

Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You!

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