[Fredslist] Gotham Lapsed Lawyers Meeting.

Rick Raymond rickraymond at executiveleadershiptraining.info
Thu Oct 18 15:39:51 EDT 2007

If a rose, is a rose, is a rose as said by Gertrude Stein, is a  
lawyer, a lawyer, a lawyer.

Yes, no, and maybe so according to the 9 people attending the  
recently formed Gotham “lapsed attorneys” group at the Friar’s Club  
recently.  They were all non-practicing or part-time practicing  
attorneys with other business interests.  I was riding the circuit  
and the only non-attorney at the table.

They now were doing things such as legal executive recruiting,  
financial investments, title insurance, real estate, computer  
services, executive search, business consulting.  All spoke about  
their path to becoming a lawyer and their relief at no longer  
practicing, or how practicing law no longer held the passion that it  
previously held for them.

Gotham is an organization of relationships and here too.  This  
meeting, however, held something different from others.  There was a  
shared experience, a camaraderie and support among those present; all  
which seemed to be part of the meeting’s success.

There were no disparaging remarks about the law, though there were  
poignant observations about how the culture or work no longer held  
interest for them, and in some cases never did.

Several spoke about how the accomplishment of their degree was  
important for their families, or that once having gotten inside -  
only possible after having begun a practice - they found that it was  
not what they had imagined.  One commented on the passion for  
constant learning in his new career that was not there with the law.   
All smiled, agreed they felt life was better now, and seriously  
suggested that there be a luncheon with the regular lawyers group.

Consulting & Coaching
Small Business Growth & Development
Richard Raymond Associates, Inc.
New York, NY • 212-777-0083

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