[Fredslist] Thanks Very Much To Jack Halpern, Just A Little Bit More About "The Judge"

Michael Millis michael_millis at msn.com
Wed Nov 21 12:12:19 EST 2007

Hello along the network,
I want to thank Jack Halpern for his fine recap of last night's tribute to Judge
Goldfluss. As I said when I arrived last night, I was late getting to the gathering,
because of a business meeting that ran late. I am very glad for Jack's review of
what went on prior to my arrival.
Here's just a little more about Judge Goldfluss:
With the assistance of his "bailiff" (Fred Klein), I was in the process of
arranging an interview on Judge Goldfluss' radio program for a client of mine, a
former New York City police officer who uncovered corruption in her unit after
My client was very sad to hear the news when I called to tell her of Judge
Goldfluss' passing. She said, "I never met him. But I could tell by the way you
spoke about him that he was a great man. I will say a prayer for him."
"The Judge" certainly was a great man, one whose humor and lessons of life, I
suspect, will have their influence in the halls of Gotham for many years to come.
Happy Thanksgiving, Gotham. Enjoy the time with your family and friends
(and the turkey and the football). Do yourself a favor, turn off the Blackberry,
at least until Friday.
All the very best for continued success.
Mike Millis 
MX2 MEDIA Special Events Design, Production, and Coordination "Making Exciting Things Happen." (718) 434-7879
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