[Fredslist] Connection to any Soda or Soft Drink Distirbutors

Zahn, Bari bzahn at torys.com
Fri Nov 16 11:45:59 EST 2007

Dear Gotham Family,

My charity, Living Beyond Belief, is having a youth benefit on Saturday,
December 1st for World AIDS Day at Copper Chinmey on E. 28th Street
between Park and Lex in NYC.  

Nestles is donating all the water, various restaurants are donating the
food, but we are still looking for donations of soda/ice teas/fruit

Donations of the syrup would be great for soda donations, otherwise a
donation of bottles would be fine.  We are expecting 200 young adults
between the ages of 17and 24.  I know it's short notice, but any leads
would be greatly appreciated. 

All my heart,

Bari Zahn				
Torys LLP	
Tel: 	212.880.6106
Fax:	212.682.0200
mailto:bzahn at torys.com	
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