[Fredslist] Credit card payment for Gotham Expert Witness Group

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Sat Nov 3 11:38:41 EDT 2007

If you wish to attend this 11/26 meeting and pay by credit card you can do so on the website by going to that date on the Events calendar. See you there. 
------Original Message------
From: Gerald Goldhaber
Sender: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
To: Freds List
Sent: Oct 29, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: [Fredslist] Formation of a Gotham Expert Witness Group

Fellow Gothamites:  Since so many of you seem to have an interest and/or experience as an expert witness in different litigation matters, Fred and I have discussed the formation of such a group within Gotham.  This could be an extremely valuable group for business contacts, exchanging business practices and tips and even learning from each other's litigation war stories. Attorneys in and outside Gotham may want to join just to interact with potential experts for their own use in litigation.   Therefore, I am inviting any Gothamite (or non-Gothamite who may want to join our group) to join me for an initial luncheon meeting on Monday, November 26 at 12:30pm at the fabulous Italian restaurant, Fabbio Piccolo (230 East 44th between 2nd and 3rd) where our Marketing Group meets regularly.  Please RSVP to me via email or phone (212) 379-6661-office or (917) 279-2303-cell ASAP.  The cost of lunch will be $40 which you can bring with you to the lunch.  Fabbio's food is simply
 amazing and this group could be one of the most exciting in Gotham for generating business among fellow experts.  Dr. Gerry Goldhaber
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