[Fredslist] Need PI attorney in Orlando, FL

Glenn Dekhayser gdekhayser at yahoo.com
Sun May 20 21:50:22 EDT 2007

To any and all:

My mother got into a car accident yesterday, totally
the other guy's fault, my mom's airbag deployed as she
hit the other guy at about 30-40mph as he pulled right
in front of her Caddy (a casualty, luckily the only

She's in one piece (at least that's how it seems),
although she's banged and bruised all over.  However,
the paramedics didn't bring her to the hospital, and
she doesn't remember signing a release or anything,
which I cannot believe.  There are a few other details
that she's very hazy on and I'm very concerned that
she didn't get the care she required at the time,
especially since force of the impact was so brutal
that the engine block forced the dashboard halfway
into the front seat.  She's seeing a doctor tomorrow.

Anybody know a really good, trustworthy PI attorney I
can refer her to?  Right now she's relying on claims
on her own insurance....

Thanks in advance

Glenn Dekhayser

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