[Fredslist] Fredslist - How To

Debra Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Fri May 18 12:06:19 EDT 2007

Hi Gotham,
Here is a Fredslist "How To" - stay tuned for more tips!  
If you have any questions on using Fredslist, please contact your Group
Coordinator, or let me know - we are here to help.
Sending An Email to Fredslist
*	To send an email to share with all of Gotham, please address
your email to fredslist at gothamnetworking.com 
*	Remember to send your email from the email address you are
registered with on the web site.  To protect our members from SPAM and
unsolicited emails, the computer automatically rejects any emails from
unregistered email addresses. 
*	Your respond to email address must also be the same email
address you are registered with on the web site. 
Debra B. Lindner
Administrative Director
Gotham City Networking
debbie at gothamnetworking.com
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