[Fredslist] volleyball anyone

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Tue May 1 19:29:02 EDT 2007

Hi folks:

A friend of mine has started a volleyball league here on LI.  The 
following is information about the league and how to sign up.

For any Long Islanders out there----perhaps your co wants to set up a 
company volleyball team----you know, team building and all that good 

Please reply per the directions below and thanks.  FDell free to pass 
along to your address books and anyone that you think might be 

As you know, I recently founded an after-work beach volleyball 
league. It will take place at Sunken Meadow State Park on Tuesdays 
and Thursdays starting May 29th. The courts are going to be right on 
the beach overlooking the Long Island Sound. The first session is 8 
weeks long and costs $350 per team - for a team of 6 players, that is 
about $58 per person. There are no age restrictions and anyone who 
loves volleyball or wants to relax after work on the beach can join. 
We are going to have free practice sessions on May 15, 17, 22 and 24 
for anyone that is unsure of whether they want to play. If you want 
to join or get more information, go to 
Adrian Miller Sales Training
Professional Sales Training & New Business Development Consulting
516-445-1135 (cell)
amiller at adrianmiller.com

"What if we train them and they leave?  What if we don't train them 
and they stay?"
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