[Fredslist] Promotion: One-on-one sales training / sales strategy for Gotham members

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Fri Mar 2 07:35:58 EST 2007


For those of you that don't know me, my firm, AMST,  designs and 
delivers highly customized sales training for companies nationwide. I 
started the firm 19 years ago and since then have worked across most 
every industry segment....the scope of our work is kind of staggering 
if I don't say so myself----from Disney to Viagara for instance:)

We tend to work with "groups" / sales departments, but we have also 
developed a unique program for individuals as well.

I'd like to reach out to Gotham members and offer our services on an 
individual or small group basis. Our one-to-one sales lab is 
practical, meaningful in a revenue producing way, interactive, 
scheduled whenever YOU can do it and bottom-line, it is fun.

I'm a sales practitioner so there really are no blue-sky strategies 
that just won't work in the marketplace.

Additionally, we do sales strategy consulting and get to the heart of 
how sales and marketing have to be integrated in your firm to make an 

If you'd like to ask some questions please connect with me offline.



PS We do an extensive amount of work for professional services firms 
and have designed "Rainmaking Roundtables" to address their unique 
Adrian Miller Sales Training
Professional Sales Training & New Business Development Consulting
516-445-1135 (cell)
amiller at adrianmiller.com

"What if we train them and they leave?  What if we don't train them 
and they stay?"

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