[Fredslist] (Promo) The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Fri Jul 20 12:56:23 EDT 2007

Hey! Quick question: wanna be a sales superhero?
Thought so.

But first, I gotta say this because SOMEONE has to say it, and I  
guess I’ll do it:
How many times have you sat frozen in a motivational seminar, or  
willed yourself through a thick,
dreary sales “how-to” book, and said to yourself: CAN YOU JUST GET TO  

Maybe you haven’t yet reached that stage (or…maybe you have?). But  
regardless of where you fall in the dread
spectrum, the bottom line is that you deserve and crave something  
new. You want the blatant truth!
You don’t want the scenic route. You don’t want feel-good rhetoric  
that has no place in the real world of sales success,
and at times: of failure.

You want what we all want: the blatant truth!

You want the core guts of what you need to know to survive and thrive  
in the new world of sales. You want advice and
insight that comes from someone who has been in the trenches, and who  
knows what sales success actually means…and
how to get there.

And, of course, you want this stuff delivered to you in a fun and  
energizing way – something that has you nodding your
head in agreement and saying: hey, yeah, I can do this! This works!

Friends, colleagues…battle-scarred sales veterans and new recruits  
alike, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to The
Blatant Truth: 50 Clear Sales Ways to Sales Success.

As you can tell, this isn’t your ordinary “sales advice” book. This  
is going to be your spiritual scripture on the path to
Sales Nirvana. You’ll be quoting chapters and verses with your  
colleagues and competitors. You’ll be using it to train
others…and retrain yourself as your success grows. You’ll be  
referring to it in meetings. Heck, you might even give
your clients a copy (or just casually highlight the sections that  
deal with client-driven obstacles).

Interested? Good. Thought you’d be.

Now, here’s another blatant truth: I’m not doing the sales pitch with  
this book – no generic (yuck) “dear friend” letter
with hyper testimonials and lots of “buy now” buttons in your face.  
This is a book that you need in your professional
life. If you realize this now, then you’ll be further ahead than the  
rest. If you realize this later, you’ll have to catch-up.
And if you never realize this at all, you won’t be in sales – period  
-- so no problem there.

So why wait?!

To make this as blissfully convenient as possible, I’ve chosen “Lulu”  
as my distribution vendor. They handle
everything for us: the credit card transaction, the shipping, the  
fulfillment, and they even have a great customer
service department if you need help with your order. And of course,  
I’m only an email away if you’d like to
drop me a line.

So go ahead and click below – you’ll go straight to my Lulu  
storefront. Choose which version you want (ebook/
print), enter in your payment details, choose your shipping options  
(print customers only), and you’ll be all set!




Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-445-1135 (cell)

"What if we train them and they leave? What if we don't train them  
and they stay?"

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