[Fredslist] Fw: Iraq Veteran Seeks Entry Level Opp in Film/Video

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Wed Jul 11 10:09:06 EDT 2007

I was constructively criticized as to the below email's Subject line.
Please read it and help this young man.  Thanks.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 07/11/2007 10:07 AM -----
             "Fred Klein"                                                  
             <fklein at kleinzelm                                             
             an.com>                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  fredslist at gothamnetworking.com      
             fredslist-bounces                                          cc 
             .com                                                  Subject 
                                       [Fredslist] Vet Seeks Job           
             07/10/2007 12:04                                              

The below Iraq vet would like to break into film, TV or animation as a
production assistant and comes from Blogger Ennid's future son in law.
Please see below.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 07/10/2007 12:02 PM -----

             jeff n
             <jeffnosanov at yaho
             o.com>                                                     To
                                       Fred Klein <fklein at kzrd.com>
             07/10/2007 11:31                                           cc
                                       Trying to help my friend find a job

His name is Dorian Gantenbein, email is dorian.gantenbein at gmail.com, his
resume is attached, and he provides the following introduction:


I am currently a sophomore student at Queens College,
double majoring in Media and Film Studies.  I am also
a combat veteran with the army, having been to Iraq,
Kuwait, and Egypt (2004/2005).  My experience with the
Army has taught me valuable skills, such as being
dedicated, hard working, and a high level of
professionalism.  I am seeking employment that is
flexible with my school schedule (I am available all
week except for Tuesday and Thursday from 8-5), I
would love to work in my field of study, but will be
happy to work as a fast learning professional in any field.



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