[Fredslist] Seeking beautiful bathroom and hand model for video shoot

Bambe Levine bambe at bambepr.com
Tue Jul 10 11:28:55 EDT 2007

Okay Gotham, here's another challenge:

We are shooting a "training video" in early August for a client who will be
introducing a new Paraffin Hand Spa beauty appliance.  For this shoot we are
looking for a beautiful bathroom location in Manhattan, plus a hand model.

If any Gotham members have a fabulous Manhattan bathroom that we might use,
please let me know.  And, if anyone has lovely hands who would want to
participate in this shoot, please also let me know.

Our needs to "cast" this shoot are immediate, so I'm looking for your help.

Many thanks
Kindly email responses

Bambe Levine

Bambe Levine, President
Bambe Levine Public Relations

bambe at bambepr.com

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