[Fredslist] Call For Web Interface Designers - Freelance

Joanne Meurer joanne at id-ny.com
Mon Jan 8 11:10:52 EST 2007

Good Morning Gotham,

My new company, Brains, Function, Design, LLC,  is currently accepting
resumes and online portfolio's for web designers. Any interested parties
must be willing to accept art and creative direction, work independently,
provide references, and a portfolio.

This is an opportunity to work with a fast growing company working in
industries such as fashion, Law, corporate  and technology. etc.
A Strong design sense is required and the ability to communicate with
customers is a necessity.

Interested parties should email their information to:

brains at bfdny.com

Thank you in advance.

Joanne M. Meurer
Managing Director
ID Concepts, Inc.

718 815 0129
917 885 3394
212 730 6200


For Anything Visual, Think ID!

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