[Fredslist] Tribal kudos

Raj Goel raj at brainlink.com
Thu Dec 13 20:28:44 EST 2007


   Last night, we attended the South Asian Chamber of Commerce meeting.

   Out of 40 people, 6 were Gothamites!

Jas Mayall - Gotham South Asian member
Gurmeet Sodhi - Gotham South Asian member
Devika Kamboh - GC, Gotham South Asian
Ed Bienstock
David Stein
Raj Goel

Jas did a great job MC'ing the event and invited SACC members to join Gotham.

Gurmeet is a sweetheart, knows everyone and was a wonderful hostess for the event.

Ed was ed...with amazing Solid Gold dice with Diamond pips (drool!!!.  My gaming heart skipped a few beats)

Devika is a powerhouse....and she knows how to strongarm, where necessary.

Raj & David provided comic relief with the David & Raj show (we're playing all week, 2 drink minimum.)

Some great introductions were made, business got done.

On a personal note, I ran into an old friend of my parents who remembered attending my wedding and shared some wonderful memories.  We had lost touch with him, and when I mentioned him to my dad, his eyes watered.

A great night all around.

And the food was awesome.

Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
"IT Crisis Management and Solutions"
PCI-DSS Credit Card, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley & GLBA Information Security Compliance 

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