[Fredslist] Seeking Manufacturer of High Fashion Women's Shoes for Promotion on Oprah

Bambe Levine bambe at bambepr.com
Thu Sep 14 14:20:47 EDT 2006

This has got to be a stretch, even for the Gotham tribe.

I am looking for a manufacturer of very high end women's shoes who will "do
a deal" with me on the purchase of 31 pair of women's summer sandals for a
promotion we're working on for the Oprah TV show.

Does anyone in Gothamland have connections?  If so, please do not hesitate
to call.

Many thanks

Bambe Levine, President
Bambe Levine Public Relations
222 East 44th St. 9th floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212.490.6500
Fax: 212.370.7174 
bambe at bambepr.com

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