[Fredslist] 1999 and 1996 saab cars

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Sat Sep 2 14:58:29 EDT 2006

I own 2 saabs each with approx 165,000 miles (each). They're sitting 
in the driveway and I want to sell or get rid of them.

Does anyone have experience with either:

--a company that will just buy your car for parts (both of these cars 
have some new parts that were recently put in)

--the best place to sell older cars with high mileage

I'm not experienced with this and am tiredof paying car insurance on 
cars that don't leave the driveway but have plates....hence I 
understand they need to be insured.


Adrian Miller Sales Training
Professional Sales Training & New Business Development Consulting
516-445-1135 (cell)
amiller at adrianmiller.com

"What if we train them and they leave?  What if we don't train them 
and they stay?"

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