Nancy Schess nschess at kzrd.com
Mon Nov 27 12:12:51 EST 2006

This is just a reminder that we will be hosting our traditional new member
orientation tomorrow before the cocktail party.  The email originally
circulated with relevant information is below.  If you have not RSVPd,
please let me know that you will be attending.  Looking forward to seeing
all of the newest members of the family!

On November 28 just before the cocktail party, we are hosting our
traditional orientation meeting for Gotham’s newest family members.  If you
are new to Gotham, come and join us to learn how to maximize your Gotham
experience.  Feel free to define "new" any way you would like!!

The orientation will be facilitated by me, Debbie Lindner (our Executive
Director) and Mitch Tobol (our webmaster). Please let me know if you will
be attending no later than November 15.  Details below:

Date:            November 28
Time:            4:30 pm
Place:           KZRD Conference Room
                   485 Madison Avenue – 15th Floor
                   (Between 51st and 52nd Streets)
Nancy B. Schess, Esq.
Klein, Zelman, Rothermel & Dichter LLP
485 Madison Avenue - 15th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 935-6020 x219
Fax: (212) 753-8101
nschess at kzrd.com
www.kzrd.com***This email is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named, and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information.  If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this email is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this email in error,  lease delete the email and notify the sender if we are sending you  materials in error.

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