Bruce R. Swicker bswicker at earhartleigh.com
Mon Nov 6 13:22:21 EST 2006

OK, Fred's List, let's see what you can do with this one . . . .

I am going to Chicago on Wednesday morning for a 3-day conference, and other
than countless connections through O'Hare, I have never in my life actually
been "to" Chicago.

I will be pretty well occupied, Wednesday to Friday, but I am staying
through the weekend specifically in order to explore the city.  Can anyone
give me some suggestions in terms of "must see" or "don't bother"?  Museums,
galleries, buildings, tours, etc. etc. etc.

I am not going to be renting a car, and will be staying near Wacker &
Michigan, so anything would preferably be within walking or taxi distance.


Bruce R. Swicker
The professionals' insurance professionals!(R)
500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2210
New York, NY 10110
212-937-2141 (Fax)
877-B-SWICKER (Toll Free)
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