[Fredslist] The Passionate Speakers' Last Workshop

Mike Landrum Mike at CoachMike.com
Tue May 30 10:39:13 EDT 2006

 The Passionate Speakers' Workshop

This will be your last public opportunity to take the "Platformance" workshop with
 Coach Mike Landrum

A Full-Day Workshop on Your Presentation Skills
In New York City's famous Flatiron District
A Full-Day Workshop on Your Presentation Skills

In Manhattan
on Saturday, June 17, 2006

Gotham, due to a contractual conflict, this will be my last public workshop, so if you've been waiting to take it, now's the time.  

As you know, becoming a better speaker is the most important step you can take toward success in the business world.

Every presentation is a performance, and performing confidently demands skill, experience and expert guidance.

Here's an opportunity to get all three in one invigorating, dynamic and effective workshop.

You'll come away more relaxed and confident, with improved vocal skills and a better relationship to your audience.

We'll work on: 
Becoming More Confident
Relaxation Techniques
Vocal Power, Clarity and Variety
Presence and Posture
Video Techniques
Eye Contact
Text Interpretation
. . . and Much More!

Too often speakers fail, not because their talk was badly written, or the slides were poorly designed, but because the performance lacked confidence.  This workshop is designed to teach you the techniques that help professional actors,  presenters and speakers exude powerful confidence.  

Work with a professional in a state-of-the-art studio. Take home the videotaped proof of your newly acquired skills along with a workbook of simple exercises to keep you improving those skills in the future.

Only seven people will be chosen to participate in this unique, intensive workshop. 

This is a workshop corporate executives pay thousands to take, now being offered publicly for a tuition of only $399. Includes workbook, personal video and follow-up. Discount available for previous clients, Toastmasters, National Speakers Association members and Gotham Networking members. Call now to reserve your place!

In New York City's famous Flatiron District
We will work in a professional television studio at the
School for Film and Television
39 West 19th St.
12th Floor
Saturday, June 17th
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tuition $399
includes  workbook, videotape and follow-up coaching

Discount available for: 
 Gotham Network Members  
 NSA Members 
 Past Clients 

Contact information

Or email:

Training with a professional can make all the difference. Mike Landrum has been an actor, writer, director, speaker and teacher for forty years. He trained for the classical stage, performed Shakespeare in repertory, starred on network television, and has been a national spokesman for dozens of Fortune 500 corporations. Now you can be one of only seven participants to spend an entire day with him as he coaches you to find your authentic voice, express your strongest personality, and be more confident in any performance situation.

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