[Fredslist] Gotham Art Show Submissions

Ed Bienstock ed at bienstockindustries.com
Mon Mar 20 21:26:56 EST 2006

Hello Gotham,

Just a reminder: Today is the official start of Spring & Summer is right around the corner. 

Tempis Fugit. Please be sure to send your submissions for the summer Gotham Cocktail/Art Show.

Send files with images of all artwork you wish the curators to consider to the following address:

gothamartshow at bienstockindustries.com.

Submissions are open to Gotham members & their families ONLY. Each person can

submit up to 3 pieces. Only Artwork fresh to Gotham can be entered. Artwork submitted to last year's show will  

NOT be considered. Submissions MUST be made before Friday May 26, 2006. Gotham members have sold 

their work(s) at last year's show. 25% of all sales go to the Gotham City Network.

Don't forget to include your name, the dimensions of the artwork, title + media (if desired) & selling price.

Works of Art in all media (photography, sculpture, etc.) will be considered.

Best of luck on your submissions ,    Ed Bienstock - Commerce Group (AKA Spider's Web)

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