[Fredslist] (no subject)

Vincent M. DeRogatis Vincent at axelpro.net
Tue Mar 14 12:54:33 EST 2006

                  TO ALL GOTHAM MEMBERS,
                  This is a REMINDER......................... 
                  This Thursday March 16th 2006 the Queens Group will hold
their meeting (our meeting's are held on the third Thursday of every
                  month unless other wise noted) at POP DINER, 80 - 26
Queens Boulevard Elmhurst, New York  11373  Tel # 1-718-426-2229
                  we start our meeting at 8AM. To all Queens Members PLEASE
e-mail me if you are or are not going to attend. To all Gotham
                  members who ride the circuit, who are planning to ride the
circuit or who will just be in the neighborhood PLEASE e-mail me
                  your status, as our new host (Dino) needs a head count the
day before. To all GUEST and CIRCUIT RIDERS their is a "Token
                  Fee" of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) for the breakfeast. 
                  Vincent M. DeRogatis  GC Queens
                  vincent at axelpro.net
                  Cel # 1-347-386-5545 
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