[Fredslist] My friend Colleen is looking for part time work

Judy Mines jmines at tagonline.com
Wed Mar 8 14:59:43 EST 2006


My friend Colleen is looking for part time work.

Please contact Colleen directly.


This is her info:

Eleven years ago, I was hired at the Investment Bank, Societe Generale. 
  Within my 11 years of employment, I have been a receptionist, an 
Administrative Assistant, and am now a Loan Operations Administrator.

I am a very organized and diligent worker and am looking for additional 
part-time employment.  My hours are 9 to 5, so I am available in the 
evenings as well as Saturdays.  I am attaching my resume.

Thank you for passing this along, Judy.


Colleen Campbell
(h) 212-787-8482  (c) 917-548-7678
colleentcampbell at earthlink.net
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Judy Mines
Business Development
TAG Online, Inc.
Internet Design, Development and Hosting
Phone: (973) 783-5583
Cell Phone: (917) 841-6521
Email: jmines at tagonline.com
Website: www.tagonline.com

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