[Fredslist] Parents Day

Edward Repper ERepper at erpactuaries.com
Mon Jun 19 11:38:33 EDT 2006

It would be difficult not to dilute the meaning of the individual
holidays if they are combined into one "potent" holiday.  

Mothers Day is both the recognition and celebration of the sacrifices
that a Mother offers her child.

Fathers Day is the same, however, for almost everyone, the gifts of a
Mother are different, but no more or less important that the gifts that
a Father provides.


Mothers Day is a time that I think about what makes my Mother so
special.  My Father was special as well, and Fathers Day is a time that
I think about my Father.


We should continue to encourage the virtues and the responsibilities of
Motherhood and Fatherhood.  We should continue to celebrate both Mothers
Day and Fathers Day, in acknowledgment of the positive impact that both
Mothers and Fathers have to the individual child, AND to the building of
a strong society.


Edward Repper, EA, MSPA


ERP Actuaries & Consultants

2 Penn Plaza - Suite 1500

New York,  NY  10121

Ph   (212) 292-5060

FAX (212) 292-5059


web: www.erpactuaries.com


From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of
BAdolf1006 at aol.com
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 1:02 PM
To: fklein at legal.org; fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: Re: [Fredslist] Parents Day


In a message dated 6/18/2006 7:21:46 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
fklein at legal.org writes:

	At the risk of being exiled to Hallmark Hell, what do Gothamites
think of combining Mothers Day and Fathers Day into one potent Parents
	Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

I think it is a wonderful idea -- is far more inclusive than what we now


Thanks for the suggestion!




Barbara P. Adolf
Senior Managing Director
Employee ROI
575 Madison Avenue, Suite 1006
New York, NY 10022
Direct: 212-864-2705
Fax: 212-932-0438
badolf at employeeroi.com

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