[Fredslist] Norman Spizz and SPN Entertainment

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 7 15:11:06 EDT 2006

I would like to second what Rich has said.  When I asked Gotham for help with insurance for my son, Marcus, when he recently played at the Time Warner Center, it was Norm who stepped up to the plate and offered to run the gig through his company, which saved Marcus almost $1000 in insurance fees.  Norm is the perfect example of what Gotham is all about: it is far better to give than to receive and what goes around comes around.  He is the sponsor of my son in the Friars' club where Marcus will be inducted in two weeks and he and I are about to embark on some joint business ventures which will help both our companies.  Here's to Norm and may we all learn a lesson from his business practices!!    Gerry Goldhaber, Ph.D., President and CEO, GRA, LLC

Rich Klein <rdk at carnegie-ltd.com> wrote:        st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Hello Gotham – 
  I’d like to share a few quick words regarding Norman Spizz, and his company, SPN Entertainment.
  I got married on May 19th to a beautiful (if not so fortunate) woman, and had the pleasure of having Norman Spizz provide the band for our reception.  It was a late wedding, lasting until 1am on a Friday night, so we were concerned that people may be too tired after a long work week (and some had traveled long distances)
but at the end of the night we had to drag people off the dance floor.
  Norman’s band provided outstanding music all night long, and I received comments about how terrific they were quite literally all night long.  They played everything from Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett, to Al Green, to Touch of Gray by the Grateful Dead (which was a hit with the whole crowd), to Dave Matthews and even did a solo guitar, low-key version of stairway to heaven (no vocals) that got real attention (I kept hearing people say “I know this song, what is it?  It’s really good.  Wow, is this Stairway to Heaven?!”).  The entire crowd, ranging in age from an early 20-something cousin to my 88 year old grandmother loved the music.
  Interestingly enough, the Maitre d’ knew one of the band members (he’d played drums in a band with them together 20 years earlier) and sat in for a set, which was a real crowd pleaser.
  And while there was nothing they could do about my dancing ability (or lack thereof), Norm himself was a pleasure to work with, and he and his company provided sterling service each and every step of the way.  Thanks Norm!
  Best Regards,
  Rich Klein
  Carnegie Associates Ltd.
  680 Fifth Ave. - 25th Floor
  New York, NY 10019
  Ph: (212) 843-9400 ext. 4659
  Fax: (212) 843-9435

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