[Fredslist] The Parents' Day Question

Michael Millis Michael_Millis at msn.com
Thu Jul 20 06:06:35 EDT 2006

Hello along the network,

I hope all projects in process are progressing. (Say that one five times fast!)

Last month, Fred Klein polled Gotham to see how the members felt about possibly
combining Mother's Day and Father's Day to create Parents' Day. Well, in doing
some research for a project, one of my sisters discovered that there is a Parents' Day.

In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law a Congressional Resolution which
established the fourth Sunday of every July as Parents' Day for "recognizing, uplifting,
and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children."

Parents' Day celebrations are administered by the National Parents' Day Council and
include the naming of couples at the local, state, and national levels as Parents of the

This year, Parents' Day will be celebrated this Sunday, July 23rd. By proclamation,
President Bush encourages "American sons and daughters to convey their love,
respect, and appreciation to their parents." However, the National Parents' Day
Council envisions Parents' Day to be a day when parents honor their children "by
rededicating themselves to manifest the highest standard of unconditional true love."

So, all you parents out there, take a moment this Sunday to let your children know
how much they are loved and valued in your lives. After all, they are our society's
most precious resource.

And as for all you young whipper snappers out there, no matter how old you are,
how about at least a loving "thank you" to your parents for putting up with everything
you've put them through?

Have a great day today, Gotham, and a most excellent weekend.

Happy Parents' Day!

Mike Millis
Gotham Hispanic Group

Special Events Design, Production, and Coordination

"Making Exciting Things Happen."

(718) 434-7879
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