[Fredslist] The Passionate Speaker #81 Gestures

Mike Landrum Mike at CoachMike.com
Thu Jul 13 06:06:18 EDT 2006

The Passionate Speaker  
A  Monthly Newsletter for Speakers
Mike Landrum
July, 2006 - Number 81


"Suit the action to the word, the word to the action; 
with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature"

- Shakespeare, Hamlet - Act III, scene 2

Something to Ponder
Keynote Topics
Contact Info

* * *  
Our gestures can reveal our inner state of being and form a subliminal language that is far more potent than our words.  Why?  Some scientists now take as a given the origin of speech at around 50 thousand years ago.  For the previous three million years or so of human development,  communication was limited to grunts and gestures. Thus, gestures were our chief means of communication perhaps sixty times longer than words.  That's why audience members who discern a conflict between a speaker's words and gestures, will believe the gestures.  

So what gestures should you make to your audiences?  Well, assuming you would like to come across as confident, professional, trustworthy and friendly, here are some suggestions.  

First, mind your posture.  Stand straight, tall and relaxed.  Poor posture registers immediately and negatively - so, to make a good first impression, enter tall and confident.  

Look at the audience.  Smile!  Your facial expressions are your most subtle and important gestures, they show your thoughts and feelings.  A smile is the most important tool you possess - don't hesitate to use it.  

Your hands are also important communicators, of course.  Think of the military salute, a friendly wave, or the cliche American Indian greeting with the raised open palm.  There are dozens of variations on this "open-handed" gesture.  It signifies respect, friendly intentions and trustworthiness.  Keep the hands open and relaxed.  

It's the hands that give people most problems.  More than any other physical aspect, the hands can betray us.  Anxiety often brings them up in front of the torso where they clasp each other for dear life.  Or else they run off behind our backs, or dive into our pockets.  These are all hiding gestures, covering up our vulnerable spots and guarding the soft underbelly from attack.  Sometimes our hands just hang limply in front of us like little "kangaroo arms" - our elbows seem to have taken root on the rib-cage.  This reduces our gestures to pathetic little puppet shows that distract more than emphasize.  These habits can cost us the audience's trust and attention.  What to do?

It's best to simply let your hands hang naturally at your sides, where they're available for emphasizing a point when needed.  Make your gestures from the shoulder, not the elbow, in a clear sweep away from the body.  Beware of tiresome chopping repetition.  Perhaps Shakespeare said it best - "Do not saw the air too much with your hand, thus, but use all gently."  A single large, graceful, deliberate gesture delivered with good timing is far more valuable than many timid, indefinite, wags of the hand.  

Above all, the convincing gesture will have a relaxed, spontaneous quality that seems to be one piece with the idea being expressed.  Trying to practice such a thing is self-defeating.  The only thing to practice is relaxation and the speech itself.  Experience and practice will lead to more comfortable body language and gestures.  Remind yourself to drop your arms to your sides, stand tall and "use all gently."  For, as Shakespeare continued with his advice, "you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness."    

© 2006 Michael F. Landrum

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Something to Ponder
Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in 
the air. You name them   work, family, health, friends and 
spirit, and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon 
understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce 
back. But the other four balls   family, health, friends and spirit 
are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably 
scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never 
be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your 
   Brian Dyson   
Former CEO Coca Cola Enterprises

Contact Info
Mike Landrum
32 Hardscrabble Road  - Suite 112
Blooming Grove, NY 10914

Mike at CoachMike.com


The Passionate Speaker is a free email publication written and published by Michael F. Landrum. Feel free to distribute to friends, associates and organizations - provided you include this paragraph and the copyright and attribution. Further information on Mike Landrum, as well as previous issues of The Passionate Speaker can be found at the web site http://postsnet.com/r.html?c=737113&r=736414&t=224476544&l=1&d=87242685&u=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eCoachMike%2ecom%2e&g=0&f=-1  Do you have any questions, comments, complaints or praise? I welcome all feedback!  You may reply to this email or directly to: Mike at CoachMike.com  Thanks!

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Keynote Topics
 Bring The Passionate Speaker to your group or organization to speak in person!        Choose from three entertaining and useful talks:

"Personalizing PowerPoint" - Techniques to keep the power in your presentations while using the software to sharpen the point.

"Acting Yourself" - Tips from a lifetime of acting that can make your presentations more authentic, dramatic, entertaining and persuasive. 

"Sharpening the Tools of Expression" - Essential tips to improve your voice, body and mind as presenters.

Call today for details on rates and schedules!
© 2005 Michael F. Landrum

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