[Fredslist] Gotham Seminar: Top 7 Ways to Double Your Energy Today

Phil Courtney - Urban Bear Marketing phil at urbanbear.com
Tue Jan 31 06:09:01 EST 2006

Greetings Gotham,

  Remember your promise to yourself to get back into shape after the
  How many of you with new gym memberships have yet to even put on a pair of
  I know the weather has been fairly mild but how many of you are still
experiencing the winter blahs?
  Has chocolate again risen to the top selection of your food group?
  Do you find yourself hoping that the cooler weather will last until June
or July so that you can wear your heavy sweaters?

 Despite your best efforts and best intentions, you¹re tired of being tired
and want more energy---not from caffeine or sugar! If you¹re already an
active person but want more energy, then you need to come to our next Gotham
Seminar lead by  Gotham member Jena la Flamme, director of the Jena Wellness
Group  (http://www.jenawellness.com).

At this exciting, interactive seminar---delivered often by Jena to
corporations around the country----you¹ll learn quick and easy strategies to
increase your energy level, decrease your cravings and discover steps you
can take yourself to feel and look better. You¹ll discover how you can
achieve more energy by eating the right foods and receive concrete ideas
that you can immediately incorporate into your lifestyle to have more
energy, better sleep, lose weight and manage stress.

Seminar details:

Date: Wednesday February 22, 2006
Location: Friars Club
Time: Noon-2PM with time for networking
Cost: $40 for lunch

Guests are welcome!

Interested? Please be certain to RSVP me at phil at urbanbear.com AND
Send your check made out to Gotham City Networking for $40 per person to:
    Gotham City Networking
     485 Madison Avenue
    New York, NY 10022
    Attn: Fred Klein

PLEASE WRITE ON YOUR CHECK: Feb 22 Seminar!!!!!!!



Philip E.  Courtney
Urban Bear Marketing, Inc.
phone: (212) 786 9399 or (570) 588 5242

³We generate online sales and Internet sales leads²


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