[Fredslist] The Wired Family: Technology, Ethics and Family Values for Monitoring Your Kids Online

Jennifer T. Naylor naylorjt at optonline.net
Sat Feb 11 21:22:35 EST 2006

Our proposed forum on parenting in the wild and woolley Internet world 
of chat rooms, instant messaging, online dating and social networking 
sites now has some shape. Our Gotham panel features technology and 
security expert Raj Goel, Susan Pickman specializing in online fraud and 
Internet predations, and Dr. Andrea Gould, psychologist and family 

To get on the calendar for March evening in Manhattan, I need some 
critical mass: ten people for Fred's conference room;
more than 10, and we get to go to the Friar's Club; more than 125, and 
Mikey B. will offer up the Javits, a sponsorship and a bonus 
commemorative refrigerator magnet.

Please contact me if you are interested in attending.

All best,

Jennifer Naylor
Gotham Women LI
naylorjt at optonline.net
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