[Fredslist] Gotham Philly

Glenn Dekhayser gdekhayser at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 8 19:18:59 EST 2006


I wanted to say that you circuit-riders are missing
out on a fantastic opportunity to meet Philly's

We had our 3rd Luncheon today, and I can say with
pride that it was a total success!  We had 13 strong
networkers with fantastic and diverse backgrounds,
including but certainly not limited to:

Patent Attorney
Immigration Attorney
Elder Law/Estate Attorney
Managed Network Security
Special Needs Financial counseling
Business Property/Casualty
Non-Profit Event Planning and Financial Advisor
Commercial Real Estate Development 
Advertising for a Seniors publication
Tax Consulting for Non-Profits
Data Storage and Disaster Recovery Planning
....and others

All these people are highly placed in their
organizations and are worth knowing!

We will be having a cocktail hour at the Rittenhouse
Hotel on Thursday, February 23rd, 5:30ish to 6:30ish-
I STRONGLY encourage some of you traditional (read:
NY/NJ/CT) Gothamites to hop on the train, get down
here, and see what you've been missing!

Any questions or RSVPs, email me (Glenn) or Monica
Kaufman, our intrepid group coordinator at
monica_kaufman at ml.com.  We'd love to have you!


Glenn Dekhayser
Chair, Gotham Philly

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