[Fredslist] Christine Quinn Reception - Please Mark Your Calendar

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova sfdecordova at FUELOUTDOOR.COM
Fri Dec 29 16:04:04 EST 2006

Dear Gotham Friends:

I am writing to invite you to a reception that I am hosting for City
Council Speaker Christine Quinn on January 9th at 5:30pm at Fuel Outdoor's new offices (149 5th Avenue, 11th Floor).

The reception will provide you an opportunity to learn more about Speaker Quinn and her vision for our City.

Contributions of $150 are requested. 

Checks should be made out to: 
Friends of Christine C. Quinn.

Please mark this event on your calendar, and I look forward to seeing you on January 9th.

Please RSVP by the 5th of January.

Happy New Year!

Best regards,

Sergio Fernández de Córdova
Real Estate, Government Affairs + Legal
Fuel Outdoor
149 5th Avenue, 11th Floor
Tel: +1 (212) 967-7333 x 205
Fax: +1 (212) 967-7337
sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com

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