[Fredslist] Fw: Gotham is Santa Claus

Fred Klein fklein at kzrd.com
Wed Dec 20 17:45:39 EST 2006

Gotham is Santa Claus (and a magic wand).  See the amazing good work by
fellow Gothamite (and Santa's helper) Jane Present below!  Great work Jane!

Fred C. Klein
Klein, Zelman, Rothermel & Dichter, L.L.P
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 12/20/2006 05:41 PM -----
             SUMMALEAD at aol.com                                             
             12/20/2006 05:03                                           To 
             PM                        fklein at kzrd.com                     
                                       Gotham is Santa Claus               

Janet Adler is a new Gothamite who sent out an email to Fred's list last
week asking for a Santa Claus for a party this Friday at a public school
here in Manhattan for emotionally abused children who live at the poverty

Of course I contacted Mike who, of course, will play Santa, and doesn't
even need the beard or the pillows. He is tickled to do it and they are

Then Janet asked if anyone, anywhere, could get their hands on 125 black
hooded Stephon Marbury sweatshirts for these kids. These are only sold at
one particular store called Steve and Barry, apparently at very reasonable
prices. I reached out to our Leadership mentor Sarah Shirley, fashion
stylist, and she somehow or other got to their CEO. We have just received
word that they are giving these kids a $500 gift certificate to their store
to buy whatever they wish.

How do you top this?

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