[Fredslist] SCORE Needs Your Help

Jeffrey A Goldberg jag_psc at juno.com
Thu Apr 27 11:24:15 EDT 2006

Fellow Gothamites,

This is Jeff Goldberg from the Bandit Group
asking you to read the message below from
my friend Charles Auerbach.

SCORE needs your help in recruiting Hispanic
and African-American counselors.
If you are interested or know someone who might
be please contact Charles directly.

Thank you

Jeffrey A. Goldberg, Ph.D.
Personnel Sciences Center
140 Briarcliff Road
Westbury, New York 11590

President-Industrial/Organizational Psychology
New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA)

Office		(516) 338-5340
Fax		(516) 338-5341
Cell		(516) 578-1366
E-mail		jag_psc at juno.com


The Westchester Chapter of SCORE is seeking Latino and African-
American counselors to advise and mentor clients interested in
starting their own business. Counselors should have experience
in such areas as sales and marketing, financial control, business
operations, record keeping, using the internet for sales, tax law
for businesses or other small business relevant areas.

All SCORE services are free and confidential to our clients.

SCORE is a national network of 400 chapters throughout the USA.
We are affiliated and partly funded by the SBA. Our counselors
are all volunteers, mostly, but not exclusively, retired business
executives or former business owners from a broad variety of 
enterprise. They typically donate 3-5 hours per week to their
counseling activities.

We assist our clients in formulating and organizing their new 
ventures. We can guide them in developing sales and marketing
strategies, in the basics of operating a small business, record
keeping and financial control and in virtually any issue impacting
a start-up operation. We often help them to develop a formal
business plan, a requirement if they seek financing.

We can actually help them in getting a loan. We can go with a
client to the bank and, because of our support and guidance,
vastly increase the chances of their securing a loan. In the
past 34 minths, we were instrumental if obtaining over $10,000,000.
in loans, many with SBA guarantees, for our clients.

Because we serve many Spanish-speaking clients, we need Latino
counselors. We do not have any African-American counselors currently.

We would most appreciate any referrals of potential minority

Thank you for your help and cooperation.


Charles Auerbach
914 939 5224
jillauerbach at verizon.net

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