[Fredslist] JUST IN TIME - : MyBusinessRelationships.com Email Newsletter

David Stein david at automatic-mail.com
Sat Apr 22 19:35:04 EDT 2006

>8 Reasons to Say Thank You
>Join Andrea Nierenberg at
>The Harvard Club in
>New York
>April 25, 2006 from
>8 a.m.-11:00 a.m. EST
>She'll share with you how to ignite the chemistry that sparks successful 
>and lasting alliances.
>For More Information and
>to RSVP, call
>973-912-8196 or visit
>One of the best follow-up techniques is a simple thank-you note. A 
>handwritten thank you, email, or phone call will begin a great relationship.
>Below are 8 reasons to send a thank you note:
>1. For time and consideration: This is one of the four "must do's" after a 
>meeting, interview, and certain social encounters.
>2. For a compliment you received: Consider how encouraging it is when you 
>receive a compliment. Let that person know how their thoughts uplifted you.
>3. For a piece of advice given: Helpful advice is a golden investment in 
>any business venture. Always be sure to thank the advisor for his/her time.
>4. For business: Every time someone does business with you, send that 
>person a thank-you note. Remember to also send a note to all those who 
>were responsible for making the decision.
>5. For a referral: Word of mouth advertisement is one of the best ways to 
>gain new business. Saying thank you to the person who initiated that 
>business shows your appreciation for their service to you.
>6. For help on projects: In some instances, it takes a diligent team to 
>bring a thought or ideal to fruition. Always express to your team how much 
>their efforts mean to you.
>7. For a gift: A gift means someone took the time to think of you and what 
>might bring a smile to your face. This person deserves a smile as well, 
>and sending a thank-you note will do just that.
>8. Even when you are "rejected": Always thank people for their time and 
>consideration, even if something didn't work out in your favor. A thank 
>you note could be a decision changer.
>About The Nierenberg Group
>We are your solution for customized training, consulting, and keynote 
>addresses. We provide these services for business people who want to find, 
>grow, and keep rewarding client relationships and build the long-term 
>loyalty of their employees.
>Dear Friend,
>Think for a moment about the last time you helped someone. Most likely you 
>are reminiscing about an instance when you offered your time, resources, 
>or just simply gave. I'm sure it was a great feeling knowing that you were 
>able to brighten someone's day by providing a helping hand.
>One of the greatest gifts I can share with you is the importance of 
>knowing that, Networking Is About Giving First. In some instances giving 
>is a well thought out venture, and on other occasions it is spontaneous. 
>Either way, your ability to help someone will make a difference for both 
>you and that person.
>I am always thinking of new ways to be of service to others. Whether 
>working, traveling, or recreation, the opportunity to give is always at 
>the forefront of my activities.
>My mother, who is always in my thoughts, was a major giver. I am thankful 
>for her constant example of giving. Just before my mom passed, I had an 
>opportunity to visit my home town in Illinois where my parents resided 23 
>years ago before relocating to Florida. Here I am with Mike Shaw and his 
>horse Casey. As you can see, Mike gave me a few lessons in feeding Casey, 
>and I shared with him some tips for growing his business through networking.
>Whenever you give, take yourself out of the equation and think about how a 
>friend, business partner, or even your competition can benefit from your 
>services. In time, you will positively reap the rewards. Remember, make 
>sure whatever you do, it is done with integrity.
>All the Best for Continued Success!
>Saying Thank You Is As Important As Giving
>Showing appreciation through thanks is an important key in life.
>Each of us wants to climb the ladder of success and eventually make it to 
>the top. As you journey to that destination, there will be countless 
>numbers of people who will serve as motivators and mentors. These are the 
>people that truly deserve a sincere thank you. While you should always 
>know where you are going, it is just as important to remember where you 
>came from and how and who got you there.
>I have incorporated a thank-you chain and use it often to thank everyone 
>who has helped me along the way. It is a simple, efficient, and powerful 
>way to follow up and remember those who have been your greatest support.
>How to Create Your Personal Thank-You Chain
>Working from present to past think about the chain of events and people 
>who led you to your current job (business, profession, or a major client). 
>Ask yourself the following questions:
>    * How did I get my current job?
>    * How did I get into this industry?
>    * How did I meet my last two major clients?
>Make a list of the people who helped you through referrals or in other ways.
>Depending on your contacts preferred method of communication, write, call, 
>or send an e-mail to thank them.
>Now think of all the people connected to your primary contact and 
>determine how they may have played a role in helping you.
>People are often surprised by a thank you because they may not realize the 
>part they played in the chain. You will find it enjoyable to tell them how 
>it evolved and how their role led to your success.

>Need some business advice?
>Click the button above to send an email inquiry. We will respond by the 
>next business day! Or call us at

>I want to thank you for taking the time to read The Nierenberg Group 
>Report. I anticipate as you incorporate the thank you chain into your 
>lifestyle, that you will in return have great networking success.
>If you do not wish to receive future mailings, click here to 
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