[Fredslist] Health Lawyer Needed - Not Personal Injury

Ken Jewell kenjewell at verizon.net
Mon Apr 10 10:28:18 EDT 2006

Someone in my office is looking for a "health care" lawyer.  While she 
would not give specifics as she wanted to maintain privacy, she did say 
that the defendant would be a New York Presbyterian Hospital.   She also 
stated that it was not personal injury related, but did say that there 
was some kind of tortious conduct involved.  Please let me know if you 
know of an attorney who would be interested in speaking with this person.

Thanks for your help.  Have a great day.

Ken Jewell, Esq.
The Law Offices of R. Kenneth Jewell
300 Park Avenue, Suite 1700
New York, New York  10022-7411
(V)  +212.572.4871
(M) +917.608.5875
(F)  +212.721.9146
(E)  ken.jewell at kjlaw.net 

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