[Fredslist] April 11th - HR/NY Event

Lorri Zelman LZelman at strategicworkforce.com
Wed Apr 5 12:53:10 EDT 2006

Hi Gotham!  Attached is information on an event coming up next Tuesday,
April 11th by HR/NY, the local chapter of The Society for Human Resource
Management.  It is attracting some of New York City's finest HR
professionals.  It's a great networking opportunity in the HR community,
with good food and an outstanding motivational speaker.  Hope you can
make it!
If you have any questions, just let me know.



*        Special Evening Program: Charting Your Course: Navigational
Guidelines for HR Leaders - April 11th Click here for details


Seating is limited and filling up so sign up now! 


Seven Guidelines Every HR Leader Needs to Know about People:  The storms
of change are eminent. Waves of uncertainty and progress toss Human
Resources Professionals into a whirlpool of diverse priorities and
creative challenges.  HR Captains need practical, strategic direction to
navigate the turbulent waters of the future.  During his keynote, Chip
Madera will help you chart your course with straightforward, practical
strategies that will prepare you and your crew for the year ahead.  

The session will explore: 


*        The simple, yet profound definition of leadership

*        Three key parts of a leader's anatomy

*        Becoming the leader your team - "mates" want to follow

*        How to get your crew on board and keep 'em there

*        How to keep your crew motivated and engaged in your mission

*        And much, much more!


 Chip Madera, "The Bald Guy," is a Motivation and Performance Strategist
who has been speaking, training, coaching and consulting professionally
since 1991. He is an expert professional speaker who shares nearly 100
programs every year.  Not your typical communicator, Chip brings an
unusual one - two punch balancing an incredible love for people with a
refreshing and tactful candor that will motivate you to take action and
will inspire you to the core.


 Date:  April 11, 2006

Time:  Registration & Networking: 5:30 - 6:15 pm

            Dinner & Presentation: 6:15 - 8:00 pm

Location:  The New York Helmsley Hotel, 212 E. 42nd Street, 3rd Floor

Cost:  IF YOU PRE-REGISTER: HR/NY Member $75; Non-Member $85

IF YOU PAY AT THE DOOR: HR/NY Member $90; Non-Member $100

Approved for 1.5 recertification credit hours

To register or learn more about the program, click here

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