[Fredslist] Are You Prepared?

Bill Morelli bmorelli at homelandsafetyinc.com
Fri Sep 30 13:47:42 EDT 2005

Have you building manager or employer prepared you and your employees for an


*         We have fire drills regularly - but do you know what to do if
there's something other than a fire? Say the rollover of a truck carrying
chemicals, flooding from a water main break or a terrorist attack?

o        Do you realize that you may have to stay in your building (shelter
in place) for an extended period?

o        Do you know where to go for safety inside your building?

o        If first responders can't get to your building immediately, does
someone know first aid and CPR?   

o        Are there emergency supplies - food and water - if everybody has to
shelter in place for even a few hours?


There are no requirements yet that a building owner/manager or employer has
to provide any of these capabilities, but isn't it the right thing to do?


To make people as safe as possible, we:

o        Identify vulnerabilities in the infrastructure;

o        Recommend improvements;

o        Develop Emergency Action Plans;

o        Train building employees; and 

o        Inform tenants through classes or customized videos.


If you want to be prepared, forward this email to your employer or building
manager - or pass their name on to me.






Homeland Safety Consultants, Inc.

40 Exchange Place

Suite 311

New York, NY 10005


212.344.1105 ext. 206


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