[Fredslist] A unique musical experience

Glenn Dekhayser gdekhayser at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 15:33:59 EDT 2005

My cousin Robert is a world-renowned floutist known
for his avant-garde style and unique interpretations. 
He has over 24 albums to his credit and is sought out
all across the world as a master instructor.  He is
performing at Merkin Concert Hall (one block north of
Lincoln Center) along with his fiancee Ursel, who is
an accomplished pianist in her own right.

Tickets are only $10, I guarantee an experience you
won't forget. If you want to get a flavor for the type
of music he creates, go to http://www.robertdick.net ,
there's a nice interactive site there.


Glenn Dekhayser
Gotham Philly (that's right- PHILLY!) 

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