[Fredslist] Re: Gotham NJ Hosts 1st Cocktail Party

David Bagatelle DBagatelle at signatureny.com
Thu Oct 27 21:38:50 EDT 2005

Last night, Gotham New Jersey hosted its first cocktail party "meeting".

We are very pleased to report to all of Gotham that the event was a big
success. Not only did we have a great turnout of current NJ Gotham Members,
but we had several circuit riders and a couple of Gotham NJ "recruits".
Those facts coupled with a million dollar view of midtown from NJ's Gold
Coast and the terrific apps and drinks at Frank's Waterside and you have a
winning combination.

In fact, it was such a success, that we are contemplating moving our
monthly meetings to this format regularly. That way you will all have a
chance to experience this "unigue" Gotham event!!! As our former Governor
Kean once said...."New Jersey and Gotham...perfect together!!!".

Respectfully submitted,

         David Bagatelle

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