[Fredslist] NEW - Gotham Email Tips

Mitch Tobol mt at tobolgroup.com
Sat Oct 8 08:55:10 EDT 2005

Your friendly, and a bit stressed, webmaster is sipping an extravagant 
coffee and pondering ways to keep our email flowing smoothly. So I've 
decided to send you tips on getting the most of of our email. Since we 
get so much, I'll keep it simple, one tip at a time.

TIP #1
When you go away on vacation, business or rehab :-) DO NOT forget about 
your gotham email. If our system gets your away message, it will 
automatically and unceremoniously stop sending emails to you. It sees 
these as bounces and excessive bounces are a no-no.    So....go to the 
website, sign in and click on EMAIL OPTIONS. Once there select Web 
Only. It's a kinder gentler way to deal with the issue. (just remember 
when you get back to readjust the selection)

Your webmaster will thank you profusely.

Enjoy your day!

Mitch Tobol
Gotham Webmaster

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