[Fredslist] Promotion: Mergers and Acquisitions Advice

Aguinaldo, Roger raguinaldo at maadvisor.com
Fri Nov 11 11:34:04 EST 2005


"Try not to be a person of success, but rather try to be a person of value." -- Albert Einstein

In the spirit of Einstein, I'd like to offer FREE a 1/2 day of M&A advice or consulting for any of your clients or yourself, if you're in business for yourself.  Do you or your clients:
-- Know the value of the company?
-- Want to grow your business through strategic acquisitions?
-- Need advice on selling or setting up your company for sale at the highest value?
-- Need to raise growth or acquisition financing?

In this personal 1/2 day session, we'll start the process in finding out the answers to these questions.  I have over 18 years of M&A experience with middle market companies having started my career as an investment banker with Merrill Lynch.  I have close contacts with private equity and financing firms.

Please call me with any questions or suggestions you may have.

Roger Aguinaldo
CEO and Publisher
The M&A Advisor
raguinaldo at maadvisor.com
718-997-7900 x7906
Fax: 718-997-7949 
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! December 5-6, 2005 in New York with The 4th Annual M&A Advisor Awards!  To register or inquire for speaking and sponsorship opportunities call (718) 997-7900 or visit our website:http://www.maadvisor.com/conference.  

Visit us at <http://www.maadvisor.com/>. The leading Website for professionals in M&A.

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