[Fredslist] Inter-Generatonal Hot Spots - Monthly e-Tip for May

Phyllis Weiss Haserot pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
Fri May 20 10:57:31 EDT 2005

Here's my Inter-Generational Relations e-Alert for May. These issues arise in most organizations, so I think you'll find it a useful checklist.

All best,

Welcome to

Phyllis Weiss Haserot's    

May 2005


Inter-generational issues have always been a concern but never before have they been as challenging in the workplace as now. How many of these are disturbing your sleep?

1) Transferring responsibilities from one generation to another

2) Difficulty in communications between older and younger generations

3) Less than optimum respect and tolerance between older and younger generations because of differences in work and life objectives 

4) Senior professionals and executives who won't let go and have too much of their identity tied up in their positions and their work

5) People who would be willing to transition clients to younger people but would be penalized by the compensation system

6) Difficulty making room for younger people to move up because the senior ones want to stay and continue to be productive

7) How to minimize defections to other firms due to lack of opportunities based on inter-generational issues

8) Structured vs. freelance mentalities

9) Entitlement" mentality vs. "You need to pay your dues"

10) Professional development and mentoring programs not succeeding because of unwillingness and lack of incentive to spend the time

11) Clients who want to work with partners younger than the current lead client partner

12) Older professionals reporting to younger practice leaders

13) Stigmas around granting flexible working arrangements, especially if only granted to "accommodate" parents with young children

WHAT TO DO? Following are some of my thoughts on resolving these dilemmas.

These issues can penetrate any kind of business. They are most sensitive in a professional partnership or family business. They are emotionally stressful and can distract and detract from high performance and productivity. Before serious therapy is required, here are some steps to take:

*   Objectively assess written policies and the "unwritten rules" that often determine behaviors.

*   Crunch the numbers on turnover to see what inattention to these issues is costing.

*   Evaluate the urgency and timetable for reaching solutions.

*   Look for successful models of inter-generational harmony and analyze what to do more of. Don't limit the search for successful models to your industry.

*   Seek the help of experts who have dealt with these issues in your or similar industries.

*   Most importantly: Listen carefully to all sides of the issues and identify what the root causes are. Separate the symptoms from the causes. Some issues can be fairly easily resolved with simple steps and better communication. Small successes will begin to reduce tensions. That will enable firms to focus on the tougher issues with more commitment and energy.

Please send me your thoughts, experiences, and questions. What is your most challenging inter-generational issue? What most urgently needs resolving? What strategies have you seen work best?Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


© Phyllis Weiss Haserot, 2005. All rights reserved. 

Please forward this e-Alert on to as many people as you like with proper credit and attribution, and they can get their own subscription. Publication rights will be granted with request for permission. 

To be put on the list for a complimentary subscription to this e-Alert, send an e-mail to pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com with "Inter-Generational Relations" in the subject line. 

Phyllis Weiss Haserot
Practice Development Counsel
Consulting/Coach to the Next Generation
Author of "The Rainmaking Machine: Marketing Planning, Strategy and Management"
Voice:: 212-593-1549
Fax:      212-980-7940
pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com  
please visit: www.pdcounsel.com
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