[Fredslist] Gotham On "The Apprentice" Tonight

Michael Millis Michael_Millis at msn.com
Thu May 12 14:31:13 EDT 2005

Hello Along The Network,

Thanks so much for the "star" treatment I've been receiving. Your well-wishes on my network television
debut in a supporting role are very much appreciated.

Again, the special episode of "The Apprentice" in which I participated airs tonight at 9:00 PM on NBC.

I have received a number of interesting questions about the show. I offer a few answers to them here:

Question 1. "So what's the deal with Donald Trump's hair?"
I really don't have an answer for this one. All I can say is that it looks even stranger in person than it
does on TV.

Question 2. "What is NYC2012?
Again, NYC2012 is the committee working to bring the 2012 Summer Olympic Games to New York
City. It is headed by Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff, who has been working to bring the Summer
Olympics to New York for the past ten years. I have been involved with events for NCY2012 for the
past two years.

Question 3. "How will we recognize you on the show?"
Whether you actually see me at all is up to the way the show has been edited. But let's think positively
and assume footage that includes me does air tonight. If I remember all the way back to November
correctly, I was the only African-American male on the NYC2012 event crew. During the set-up
phase of the project, I was dressed in a red sweatshirt and worked mainly with "Apprentice"
candidate Chris, who heard the dreaded words, "You're fired!" earlier this season, but was brought
back to assist on this task. I also dealt with Tana, who is one of the finalists.

Question 4. "How long did it take to do the show?"
My understanding is that over the two days of filming for the episode, about 40 hours of video was
shot. This has been edited down to what you will see in about 58 minutes tonight.

Question 5. "Who won?"
Now, how would it be any fun if I said anything about who won the task before the show airs? (And
how could I possibly afford being sued by Donald Trump over it?) Tune in tonight and all will be
revealed. And tune in next week to find out who will be "The Apprentice."

Thanks again, Gotham.

Enjoy the show!

Mike Millis
Special Events Design, Production, and Coordination

"Making Exciting Things Happen"
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