[Fredslist] Electronic Discovery & Computer Forensics for Law Offices

Aner Marks - HSI amarks at hsysi.com
Tue Mar 8 14:14:46 EST 2005

Dear Fellow Gotham Members,

I am interested in working with a law office or lawyer who is currently
working on, or will soon need to be involved in Electronic Discovery,
Computer Forensics, and gathering evidence from any digital devices
(computers, e-mail servers, cell phones, PDAs, telephone switchboards,

During the course of my 16 years in the computer industry, I have acquired
all the technical expertise and experience to successfully carry out
E-Discovery work.  In fact, the cloning, searching, sorting, de-duplication,
recovering, and reconstruction of data and e-mails that entails most of the
E-Discovery process, are things I have routinely been doing for years.  It's
quite fortuitous that I can apply these skills towards the litigation
process that has always fascinated me.  Consequently, I am currently looking
to enhance my practical, hands-on experience in the litigation end of the
E-Discovery process.

Therefore, I would like to work with a law office in these areas. In
exchange for the hands-on experience that I would gain, I will produce the
requisite E-Discovery evidence required by the firm.  In addition, I will be
providing all my computer consulting, on-site support, and software
development services and expertise I normally offer.  All these services
will be offered at a substantially reduced price from that charged by
current E-Discovery outsourcing companies.  At the other end of the
E-Discovery spectrum, I can also provide compliance auditing and guidelines
for firm's whose clients must comply with court orders or injunctions
regarding their data and e-mail archiving and retention.

Kind Regards,

Aner Marks
Tel : (212) 579-0051
Fax : (212) 579-0052
Cell: (917) 502-6419
amarks at hsysi.com

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