[Fredslist] Gotham Confidential -- Gratis

Dr J drjune.kallos at verizon.net
Tue Mar 1 00:19:27 EST 2005


Gotham Confidential, a therapeutic program within the Gotham family,
provides a forum for personal growth just as our groups provide a forum for
professional growth.  Gotham Confidential is designed to be a "safe haven"
for the discussion of issues which have an impact on our daily functioning.

Since I will be leading this program, you might like to know something about
me. When Columbia U finally granted me my Ph.D. in 1985, I began to work as
a Fellow on an NIMH Research Grant. When the Fellowship ended I went to work
as a consultant for the NYC Board of Education and an Assistant Professor
for the City University of New York, LaGuardia Community and John Jay
College of Criminal Justice.  Throughout this time I was conducting a
private practice which included individual and group therapy, gay couples,
single parenting, dealing with chronic illness, as well as a wide variety of
people and problems.  My orientation as a psychologist is Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The simplistic explanation of CBT, is that it
exists in the here and now, dealing with today's problems by helping people
recognize and change "faulty thinking."  The desired outcome is that
participants learn the (individualized) coping skills needed to deal with
the curve balls life tosses out.  Clear communication, which is critical to
success in all aspects of our lives, will be the focus of our first meeting.
Any topic of interest can be examined in depth and, eventually, additional
special interest groups (SIG’s) can be established.

Generous as always, Fred has offered his conference room so that the first
meeting can be gratis. After you respond, we will check on the availability
of Fred's conference rooms and the date and time will be announced.  After
the first meeting, I anticipate a modest charge (remember the Gotham
discount!) per session for my services for those who wish to participate.

Ideally we will have 75-minute groups with eight (8) participants per group.
As of this moment, the plan is for the regular meetings to end by 10:45 am
so as to permit participation with minimal interruption of your workday.
The start time will be determined, as much as possible, by consensus of the
group members.

Please respond by March 5th at the latest so we can plan and try to
accommodate to your schedules.

Gothamly yours,

Dr June

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